Ojai Rockstacker

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Not my usual work…

I spent a long time mulling over this theme. So many things need mending in our world these days.

On a recent trip to West LA, I noticed new little tent cities just off Santa Monica Blvd. and other sidewalks around town.  People walk by chatting on their cell phones, already adjusted to a “New Normal.” The community of RVs at the end of the 33 is burgeoning – at first people who lost homes from the devastation of the Thomas Fire, now people losing everything from the devastation of COVID.

“Invisible” is wearing a lot of my favorite clothes – my most comfy worn-in work boots and super soft flannel shirt with a few holes in it.  She looks a lot like me. I know I’m really fortunate I’m not in her position.  I don’t have answers. Wish I did. But I do know we first have to SEE these people and REMEMBER them…